Thursday, June 24, 2010

Hairless, armored 'possums

I heard from Eric this morning.  He is now near Denver, CO, on his way North.  He discussed some of the wildlife he has seen along the way:  fireflies (a first, since we don't have them in the Northwest), a turtle, a brown bear, and a "hairless, armored 'possum (an armadillo), also something one would never encounter in the Northwest.

He is truly enjoying this adventure, seeing sites he has never seen, and pushing himself to do something daring.  As John Eldredge says in "Wild at Heart," a man needs an adventure to live if he is to feel truly alive.  Ride on!

1 comment:

Golden Chariot Specialty Transport Service, LLC said...

Thanks Terri! We have been trying to track him on the Hoka Hey site but had no luck. You are a wonderful blogger and we will check in often.

Have a great day !