Sunday, August 17, 2008

cats and motorcycles

Ever since one of our 13-year-old cats came up missing this spring, we have been debating whether or not to get a new cat, as our one remaining cat has been very lonely since her sister has been gone. Well, last evening we took the plunge.

We were visiting our friends, who had a new kitten. He was beautiful--part Siamese with sparkling, ice-blue eyes. Our friends commented that their neighbor, where they got their new kitten, had several more. We went next door to look at them, and we found two that we just couldn't leave without.

But there was a problem: the kittens were infested with fleas. We didn't want to take them home covered in fleas, as we have never had any fleas on our property or on any of our pets. So, we decided to bathe them before we brought them home. They were not thrilled.

Our friends did not have any flea soap, but we thought that a good soak in a tub of water would still help. We were able to wash off at least a couple dozen fleas, but they were still covered. We decided that we would have to stop on the way home and pick up some flea soap, powder, collars, drops, or something, on the way home.

Then we had another problem: How would we get them home? We had travelled to our friends' home on our motorcycle. Our friends offered us a pillow case that served well as a cat carrier, and we were on our way. Did you know that cats don't like motorcycles? We found that out in a hurry!

When we finally made it home with our new bundle of not-so-joyous furballs, we quickly gave them yet another bath, this time with flea soap. Then we dried them off, and put some drops on their necks to keep the fleas from coming back. So, after two baths and a scary motorcycle ride home, they were ready for a meal and a nap. This morning, they are quite enjoying exploring their new home.

This reminded me of our journey home with Jesus. He finds us, all infested with sin. We need to be washed clean, but not just with water, but with special sin medicine -- his blood. Then, he sometimes keeps us in the dark, like the cats in the pillow case, while we travel down a scary road, like the cats on the motorcycle. But eventually, after the journey and the washing, we will enjoy a great feast and have endless time enjoying our new home with God.

Monday, August 4, 2008


The husband of one of my patients is a pastor. After reading one of my books, he asked me to speak at his church. Somehow, I agreed (not I, but Christ who lives within me???) One of my greatest fears is public speaking, second only to being eaten by a bear--but that is a topic for another day!

I have a month to prepare for the message I am to deliver, which should be plenty of time. But in my carnal nature, I have been spending sleepless nights trying to figure out how to use this time to scheme some plan to get out of my "assignment."

You see, God has been leading me down uncomfortable paths for the last year or so, helping me to grow in ways I never imagined. But, the process is slow and painful, as growth usually is. So, last Monday morning, after spending most of the night coming up with excuses to get me out of this task, I got into my car and headed to work.

I turned on the radio, and Dr. Charles Stanley was speaking. The message was that when the Holy Spirit leads us in a direction that is uncomfortable, we must follow. He then systematically deflated all of the excuses I had dreamed up just that night! He explained what a sin it would be to refuse to follow where God is leading me, just because I am uncomfortable with it. I got the message.

As the week progressed, I began to hesitate again. I wondered if each of us, as Christians, actually have the assignment to go and teach and make disciples, as Jesus had commanded, or if that task was only for the disciples and for "the church" but not necessarily for me.

When I went to church this week, guess what the topic was? That's right, it was a direct answer to this question! Yes, we are all commissioned to share the gospel and to go where God leads us. So, no more excuses. I will go where God is leading me. When my tongue stops working and I am dripping with perspiration and my knees are shaking, then in my weakness, He will be my strength, and He will deliver His message through me.

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13