Monday, July 18, 2011

God still answers prayer

What an amazing God we serve!  My daughter called me yesterday and told me that she was having bladder problems.  She told me she was having to go almost every hour and thought something was wrong.  I asked her how her blood sugars have been, since she is diabetic, and urinary frequency is a common symptom of high blood sugars.  She proceeded to tell me that she has had no insurance for the past three months and that her prescription for insulin had run out.  Not only that, but at $ 130 a month, she couldn't afford her insulin anyway.

Of course, this news threw me into a tailspin.  I reminded her of the risks of not treating her diabetes:  she probably would not die, but instead would have a stroke or permanently damage her kidneys, or go blind, or lose her legs, or perhaps any or all of these in any combination.  I offered to buy her some insulin if that was what she needed.  She reminded me that she did not have a current prescription, and it was a weekend, so there was nothing she could do.

I hung up and started thinking:  who did I know that could write her a prescription?  No one.  What could I do to help her?  Nothing.  I found the number for a new free clinic in our area that might be able to help her, but it would not be today, or maybe not at all.  What a helpless feeling.  So, out of desperation, not my first response, though it should be, I prayed.  Hard.

She called me back, responding to my offer of buying her some insulin, if she could get it ordered.  She said, "Mom, you will never believe what happened!"  Then she told me of how God intervened:

She went to the pharmacy and asked them if someone could call her doctor.  She explained that she didn't have insurance and could not afford her insulin.  She asked if they had a generic that maybe she could afford, and if they could put in a call to her doctor to ask if they could fill a one-time order until she could be seen at the free clinic.

The pharmacist (or whomever she spoke with) told her that they had just the thing.  She did not need a prescription, and it would be only $ 25, which she just happened to have.  She took it.  When she left the store and opened the package, she saw that it was her actual prescribed insulin!

I could think of a few ways this all transpired, but the bottom line is that it was a blessing from God!