Sunday, March 1, 2020

The Cosmological Argument

• Is there anything in space that helps you to believe in God?
• What challenges have heard from astronomy that may have you questioning the Bible?

Studying astronomy does much to strengthen the faith of the believer.  Originally, astronomy was not at odds with the Biblical world view.  Johannes Kepler was an early astronomer.  He helped prove Copernicus' theory that the earth revolves around the sun.  His work helped explain the seasons, phases of the moon, eclipses, etc.  He was a Christian and used his knowledge of God and the consistency and order of a creator to help him advance the science of astronomy.  Only recently has science tried to divorce itself from the teachings of the Bible.

Many scientists believe in “the Big Bang Theory” because most evidence points to the universe having a beginning.  However, accepting that the universe had a beginning, begs the question of how it began in the first place.  This leaves evolutionists having to claim a very long time frame for accidents to initiate everything we see in motion.  The long time frame leaves the creationists struggling to support the biblical teaching of a seven day creation week and a young earth.  Here are some of the facts that help support the Biblical viewpoint:

Moon Recession:  Secular scientists have proposed several theories about how the moon could have come into being:  in the 1960's, it was fission from the earth.  In the 1970's, it was captured by earth's gravity from somewhere else.  In the 1980's, it was collapse of a dust cloud or nebula.  Currently it is thought that collision of earth and a mars-sized space object formed the moon.  In any case, they are having much difficulty, explaining the receding of the moon.

Here is the problem:  interaction between the gravity of the moon and the earth is resulting in a gradually receding moon and a slowing of earth's rotation.  The rotational motion of the high tides pull the moon forward and away from earth.  The moon's gravity pulls back on the earth and slows its spin. The moon is moving 1.5” per year away from the earth.  If we work backward in time, the moon would have been in direct contact with earth 1.55 billion years ago, but scientists claim the moon is 4.6 billion years old!

If the earth is only 6,000 years old, however, the moon would have only moved 755' and the slowing of earth's rotation would mean a day would be just 1.2 seconds shorter than at present.

Sun faintness:  the sun produces energy by nuclear fusion, changing hydrogen in to helium.  The energy produced should cause the sun to brighten.  Going backward in time, the sun would have been 30% dimmer 3 billion years ago, which would have meant an ice age on earth.  The seas would have been frozen solid at the time evolutionists teach life was just forming.  Creationists believe God must have placed the sun and moon where they are when he said he did!

Comets:  as they circle the sun, they leave a trail of dust and debris.  After about 10,000 years, they should disappear completely1.


Problem:  Scientists don't see what they want to see.  The planets in our own galaxy have elliptical orbits that don't follow the same path on each successive orbit.  This can't be accounted for using the current formulas and factoring in the gravity of the sun, the other planets, or other known bodies. Also, when measuring the speed of galaxies, we see that objects farther from the center of a galaxy for example, are moving faster than those in the center.  Gravity alone can't account for these observations. To make up the difference, and make their math work, some scientists have turned to “dark matter” and “dark energy” to make up for the forces that they have not yet discovered.

The first law of Thermodynamics:  Mass-energy can neither be created or destroyed.  The quantity of matter/energy remains the same.

The second law of thermodynamics:  While the quantity remains the same, the quality of matter/energy deteriorates over time.  Usable energy is used for production, growth, and repair.  It is converted into unusable energy and is irretrievably lost.

Therefore, if the amount of mass-energy is constant, but is being converted into unusable energy, then everything is winding down.  This points to a beginning.  But they cannot explain the beginning of the universe.  They say it started with a “singularity” but cannot account for what caused the singularity.

“For the scientist who has lived by faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream.  He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries.”2

“Interestingly, many argue that it is implausible to invoke a creator who created matter from nothing. However, the big-bang theory invokes a similar belief without any basis in observed reality.  Either matter is eternal (which neither camp believes) or there is a supernatural aspect or intelligence which brought matter and the natural realm into existence.  Both are religious beliefs.  This indicates the importance of starting assumptions in any origins theory.”3

Red shift:  Light moving toward us is at the blue end of the spectrum.  Light moving away from us is at the red end.  The wavelengths of light from distant galaxies when observed from our galaxy are shifted toward the red end of the spectrum.  This shows that they are moving away from us.  This is true in every direction.  All galaxies appear red-shifted from our perspective on earth.  Most models point to the earth being at or near the center of the universe.  Hubble found this idea to be “intolerable,” so he encouraged scientists to keep looking for alternatives!

• But doesn't it take thousands of years for light to reach the earth from distant stars?  Then, certainly, the universe must be billions of years old, right?

Creationists can explain this through the Bible.  About 17 times in the Bible, God states that he “stretched out” the universe.  (Isaiah 42:5, 45:12, 51:13, Jeremiah 10:12, Psalm 104:2 for example).  We can explain that our belief in an omnipotent God that is able to create the universe and place everything where it belongs makes more sense than billions of stars burning for billions of years without burning out, slowing down, or using up the available energy!

Interestingly, a new physics theory by Moshe Carmeli, claims that the universe has 5 dimensions, not 4.  Piggybacking on Einstein's theory of general relativity, Carmeli has developed a formula which uses the folding and bending of the fabric of space and time.  With this model, dark matter does not have to be invoked in order to explain how we can see light from a supernova 2 million light years away, when the earth is only 7,000 years old.  This theory explains how God could have started in our area of the universe, and stretched out the heavens, as He said He did, and the light could have sped up as the objects moved rapidly away from us.4

There is also a theory about how the earth brought the light to earth during creation in a super-speed scenario:   Dasha Theory

Until very recently, science supported the anthropic principle  (anthropic = beneficial to man):  Life would not be possible if the conditions in the universe varied even slightly.


*The electromagnetic coupling constant binds electrons to protons in atoms.  If it was smaller, fewer electrons could be held.  If it was larger, electrons would be held too tightly to bond with other atoms. And the ratio of electron to proton is exactly right.  Molecules could not form at a different ratio.

*Electromagnetic and gravitational forces are so finely tuned that only the right kind of star can be stable.  Our sun is stable and is the right color for photosynthesis to work.  It is also the right mass and right distance to not overwhelm us with radiation or pull the tides too high, or pull us too close to other planets.

*Our planet is the right distance from the sun for the water cycle to be stable (not freezing or boiling). And the gravity, axial tilt, rotation period, magnetic field, crust thickness, atmosphere concentration are just right.

• Discussion:  What have you learned from astronomy or physics that supports your belief or disbelief in a creator?

1Dr. Markus Bliets, in and interview with Jonathan Sarfati; Busting Myths, 2015 Creation Ministries International, Powder Springs GA.
2Jastrow, Robert, “God and the Astronomers,” 1978, p. 16
3Bates, Gary, Alien Intrusion,  2018 Creation Ministries International, Powder Springs GA; p. 84. 4Carmeli, Moshe,  “Cosmological Special Relativity”, 2002 World Scientific, Singapore 

See also: