Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Hoka Hey Challenge

For the next two weeks or so, I will divert from my usual topics to share with my friends and family my husband's progress on his latest adventure.  On Sunday, June 20, 2010, Eric set off as one of 1,000 chosen riders to participate in a grueling competition.  This ride, which started in Key West, Florida, will end by July 4th in Homer, Alaska.  In the meantime, the riders will follow a predetermined course across mainly back roads, crossing 62 mountain ranges, 8 deserts, 25 national forests, 33 Indian reservations, and two countries.  The riders are given directions to only one checkpoint at a time, getting the next set of directions upon arrival at each checkpoint, which are stationed approximately 1000 miles apart.  Anyone caught speeding, sleeping in a hotel/motel, using GPS, or drinking/using performance enhancing drugs will be disqualified.

By last evening, Eric had made it to near Talledega, Alabama, on his way to Mississipi, which is the next checkpoint.  He has been traveling about 20 hours a day.  I will update this blog with each update from Eric.

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