Wednesday, March 26, 2008


As I was driving home from work today, I couldn't help but notice how stormy it was outside. The clouds surrounding the valley where I live were thick and black, and nearly reached the ground, they were so heavy with moisture. It is cold, and windy. It even snowed off and on throughout the day today.

I found this particularly fitting, because my day had been stormy as well. Work was hard. I was needed in too many places at the same time all day long. My phone rang off the hook. I just couldn't pull it all together. Also, one of my patients is facing the end of her life, and I felt the need to be with her as much as I could throughout the day. Additionally, I have spent many hours in the urgency care clinic and the doctor's office this week with a sick child. On top of that, my daughter called us last night to tell us that she is getting married--in 2 months! Then, my brother called this morning to tell me that our dad was in the hospital and needed emergency surgery. (He pulled through but is still in critical condition).

Sometimes I wish that the world would stop spinning for a while, so I can catch my breath. All of this reminded me of the storm the disciples went through. They were out on the sea, when a terrible storm hit. It was so strong that they were all certain that they were going to die (and they had the experience to know when to be afraid). Jesus was with them on the boat. And he was sleeping. When the disciples woke him, in a panic, he addressed the storm and told it to "be still" and it obeyed. I am so glad that I serve a God who can calm even the fiercest storm in my life, too!

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