How do you decide if something is right or wrong?
Are there moral absolutes? As a Christian, I believe there are.
Can you think of some things that are always right or wrong? For one, everyone believes murder is wrong. Even in the prolife/pro choice de bate, everyone agrees that it is wrong to kill babies. The argument is over the definition of when the fetus becomes a baby. What about lying or stealing? Everyone believes it is wrong when it is done to them!
Do culture or upbringing have an impact on morality? Do they completely explain it?
If there are moral absolutes, where do they come from?
What do you say to the person that says:
“I don’t need anyone to tell me what to do. I’ll decide for myself what is right and wrong?” If we all decide for ourselves, without any independent standard that we collectively agree on, we have anarchy.
Here we have two opposing world views:
Christianity says God created me. I have value. God says what is right and wrong according to his standard written down for us in the Bible.
Evolution says everything was a result of random chance and mutation. We have no value beyond existing. No law but survival of the fittest.
Who is better, Mother Theresa or Osama Bin Laden?
“The moment you say that one set of moral ideas can be better than another, you are, in fact, measuring them both by a standard, saying that one of them conforms to that standard more nearly than the other.” C.S. Lewis, (1969), “The Case for Christianity”
So what standard is used?
Secular Humanism, based on Darwinism, Says our purpose is only to enjoy life, to reach our own potential, and do what is best for our own game. This Idea is popular right now.
“Survival of the fittest” is a way to explain away selfish ambition and avoid accountability for stepping on others on your way to the top. Whoever dies with the most toys wins!
What do you say to the person that says:
“I believe in God, but not religion. Religion is responsible for all the wars and suffering in the world.”
I have heard that line dozens of times. It simply isn’t true. In its extreme, Darwinism has encouraged people like Hitler, Mao Tse Tung, and other terrorists to push their own brand of racism and extremism, killing millions in the process. Tens of millions have been tortured and killed by atheistic or communist regimes, just in the last century:
Communist China: 77 million
The Nazis: 21 million (non battle-related)
Communist Soviet Union: 62 million
The Khmer Rouge killing fields in Cambodia: 2 million
Religious wars have happened, but killing people and suppressing human rights is not basically a religious practice. It is fallen, corrupted humanity acting out selfishness and greed.
What about racism?
The Bible, the Old Testament says we are all related. First from Adam and Eve, then Noah. We were separated at the Tower of Babel. In the New Testament, all believers are children of Abraham and joint heirs with Christ.
Racism is not consistent with Christianity, and Christians should not tolerate it.
On the other hand, Darwin clearly believed, wrote about, and taught that some races were inferior to others, because of genetic evolution.
Darwin’s most famous book is actually titled, “On the Origin of Species or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life”
This foundational racist belief system was endorsed by Hitler and others who used this teaching to practice genocide. It was used to support euthanasia, to decrease the burden of an ill person on society. In 1940’s Germany, 200,000 mentally ill and disabled people were involuntary euthanized, citing Darwinism and survival of the fittest to justify murder!
What about some other special human attributes? Humans can think, plan, feel, and imagine! We are self aware. Accidents of nature, being simple containers of chemical reactions, would not be self aware.
How could evolution explain hopes, dreams, creativity, the ability to appreciate art and music, the ability to love?
What about our ability to to work together and build a society?
Societies based on Judeo-Christian values are more prosperous than other societies and are more supportive of human rights and offer higher quality of life to all citizens, not just those who agree with those in charge. American founding fathers knew that freedom is best afforded by putting God in the center of our decision making. This is from the Jefferson Memorial in Washington DC:

Finally, suicide is the leading cause of death for young people in most parts of the world, and the rate is increasing.
If you believe you are a random occurrence held up by survival of the fittest, what purpose do you find?
If you see yourself as a son or daughter of the King of the Universe, created by the God that loves you enough to die for you, can you help stop this trend?
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” Jeremiah 29:11
Are there moral absolutes? As a Christian, I believe there are.
Can you think of some things that are always right or wrong? For one, everyone believes murder is wrong. Even in the prolife/pro choice de bate, everyone agrees that it is wrong to kill babies. The argument is over the definition of when the fetus becomes a baby. What about lying or stealing? Everyone believes it is wrong when it is done to them!
Do culture or upbringing have an impact on morality? Do they completely explain it?
If there are moral absolutes, where do they come from?
What do you say to the person that says:
“I don’t need anyone to tell me what to do. I’ll decide for myself what is right and wrong?” If we all decide for ourselves, without any independent standard that we collectively agree on, we have anarchy.
Here we have two opposing world views:
Christianity says God created me. I have value. God says what is right and wrong according to his standard written down for us in the Bible.
Evolution says everything was a result of random chance and mutation. We have no value beyond existing. No law but survival of the fittest.
Who is better, Mother Theresa or Osama Bin Laden?
“The moment you say that one set of moral ideas can be better than another, you are, in fact, measuring them both by a standard, saying that one of them conforms to that standard more nearly than the other.” C.S. Lewis, (1969), “The Case for Christianity”
So what standard is used?
Secular Humanism, based on Darwinism, Says our purpose is only to enjoy life, to reach our own potential, and do what is best for our own game. This Idea is popular right now.
“Survival of the fittest” is a way to explain away selfish ambition and avoid accountability for stepping on others on your way to the top. Whoever dies with the most toys wins!
What do you say to the person that says:
“I believe in God, but not religion. Religion is responsible for all the wars and suffering in the world.”
I have heard that line dozens of times. It simply isn’t true. In its extreme, Darwinism has encouraged people like Hitler, Mao Tse Tung, and other terrorists to push their own brand of racism and extremism, killing millions in the process. Tens of millions have been tortured and killed by atheistic or communist regimes, just in the last century:
Communist China: 77 million
The Nazis: 21 million (non battle-related)
Communist Soviet Union: 62 million
The Khmer Rouge killing fields in Cambodia: 2 million
Religious wars have happened, but killing people and suppressing human rights is not basically a religious practice. It is fallen, corrupted humanity acting out selfishness and greed.
The Bible, the Old Testament says we are all related. First from Adam and Eve, then Noah. We were separated at the Tower of Babel. In the New Testament, all believers are children of Abraham and joint heirs with Christ.
Racism is not consistent with Christianity, and Christians should not tolerate it.
On the other hand, Darwin clearly believed, wrote about, and taught that some races were inferior to others, because of genetic evolution.
Darwin’s most famous book is actually titled, “On the Origin of Species or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life”
This foundational racist belief system was endorsed by Hitler and others who used this teaching to practice genocide. It was used to support euthanasia, to decrease the burden of an ill person on society. In 1940’s Germany, 200,000 mentally ill and disabled people were involuntary euthanized, citing Darwinism and survival of the fittest to justify murder!
What about some other special human attributes? Humans can think, plan, feel, and imagine! We are self aware. Accidents of nature, being simple containers of chemical reactions, would not be self aware.
How could evolution explain hopes, dreams, creativity, the ability to appreciate art and music, the ability to love?
What about our ability to to work together and build a society?
Societies based on Judeo-Christian values are more prosperous than other societies and are more supportive of human rights and offer higher quality of life to all citizens, not just those who agree with those in charge. American founding fathers knew that freedom is best afforded by putting God in the center of our decision making. This is from the Jefferson Memorial in Washington DC:
Finally, suicide is the leading cause of death for young people in most parts of the world, and the rate is increasing.
If you believe you are a random occurrence held up by survival of the fittest, what purpose do you find?
If you see yourself as a son or daughter of the King of the Universe, created by the God that loves you enough to die for you, can you help stop this trend?
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” Jeremiah 29:11
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