If we were created by a personal God who cares about us and is personally involved with His creation, as the Bible asserts, wouldn't we expect that God to communicate with his creation?
- Do you believe God ever communicated with humans?
- Does the Bible show God communicating with people? If so, in what ways?
- What are some ways that you see God communicating with humanity today, if any?
The Bible shows us that God speaks to his people in various ways. Moses and Paul saw him face to face (or nearly). Many others had visions or dreams. To even more, God audibly spoke to them. Prophecy is another means of communication we see repeatedly in the Bible. Amos 3:7 says that God reveals all of his plans through the prophets. In the New Testament, Peter explains one of the purposes of prophecy: (1 Peter 1:10 – 12). This says that the prophecies regarding the Messiah were meant for us, so we would understand who Jesus really was. How can this understanding help us in our faith?
The Bible itself says that the fulfillment of prophecy is proof of its validity, and thus the reputation of the Bible stands on prophecy. (see Isaiah 41:21 – 23, 46: 9 – 10). In the New Testament, this is repeated. (See Revelation 12:17; 19:10 – the Testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy). One of the gifts of the Spirit is prophecy (1 Cor 12:10; 14:1, 22), and prophecy comes from God (2 Peter 1:20).
Let's look at some of the prophecy we see in the Bible.
The Old Testament contains more than 600 prophecies of the Messiah. We will not be studying them in their entirety today! Christians believe these prophecies were fulfilled in the life of Jesus Christ. The odds of one man fulfilling all of them is astronomical. Let's look at just a few: Jesus was born at just the right time. (see the 70 weeks prophecy in Daniel 9). The Bible tells us that the wise men from the east were searching for the new King that was to be born. When they asked the priests in Jerusalem, the priests knew exactly where to send them (Matthew 2: 1 – 12). Jesus was born when Messiah was expected and where he was expected to be born!
In Jesus' ministry, he often referred to the prophecies about the Messiah. See John 13:19 and Isaiah 43:10 (Jesus quoting Old Testament messianic prophecy). When Jesus was on the cross, he cried out, “Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani” “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?” (Matthew 27:46). On the surface, we see Jesus feeling the weight of the sins of the whole world crashing down on him. He felt the separation from the Father. He felt forsaken. But there is more....Read Psalm 22. Look especially at vs. 8, 14-18. Those watching the crucifixion would have been very familiar with this Psalm, and would have recognized that he was quoting this prophecy of the Messiah!
• Discussion: Some have said that Jesus just arranged everything so that it only appeared that he fulfilled prophecy. But can you think of any of the prophecies that he could not have arranged, if he were not the Messiah?
• What if the Bible writers changed the facts after Jesus died, so that we would be duped into believing that he was the Messiah? (see lesson on Jesus; the apostles died for their faith in the resurrection and would not have died for a lie; there were too many eyewitnesses).
• If the Bible is right about the prophecies concerning Jesus, can we trust it to be right on other prophecies?
Lets look at some long reaching prophecies in the OT. (Read Daniel 2:28 and briefly review the statue in Daniel 2, the 4 beasts in Daniel 7 and Revelation 12 and 13). God predicted the world-dominating kingdoms that would come at and after the time of Daniel in Babylon and that after the 4th kingdom described in these visions, no other kingdom would rule the whole world until Jesus comes and establishes his kingdom forever. Not Napoleon, not Hitler; no one has been able to reunite the kingdoms of the world under one rule.
• What prophecies can you think of that have come true, that help you to rely on the Bible as an accurate predictor of the future?
The Bible is full of prophecies that have come true, and others that have not yet come true. Prior to its exile into captivity, Israel was warned by prophet after prophet to stop worshiping idols. This is documented throughout the history books in the Bible. Israel did not stop, and the nation was taken away by its enemies into Assyria and Babylon, just as predicted and forewarned. In the prophecies, Cyrus was even named as the leader God would use, long before he was born! (Isaiah 44:28 and 45:1. These were written before the nation was taken away by Babylon, which was the kingdom that was overthrown by Cyrus and Media/Persia). Then, they were returned to their previous lands, just, again, as predicted by the prophets.
• If we can trust the Bible's accuracy on the captivity of Israel and its return, on the birth, death, and resurrection of Jesus, can we trust it to be accurate on the details not yet fulfilled, such as the return of Christ? Prophecy is one way that we can know the Bible is a trustworthy source.
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