We have had to dig out to the road to get to work every day, but the brightness sure does wonders for the darkness of winter. Hope you are all having a wonderful Christmas day!
I haven't written in quite a while, not because I haven't had anything to say, but because I haven't had time to write. Well, this morning I have to make time, because, once again, I am reminded of how amazing our God is!
I am not sure where to begin, so I guess I will start at the beginning. About a month ago, I had a new patient that came to us after suffering a major stroke. His only daughter was quite anxious about all that was happening, and she needed a lot of information and support to help her adjust to all of the change in her father's condition. On top of that, she was about to leave for a trip overseas when her dad had his stroke.
Before she left, my coworker and I took the time to pray with her, though she was not in the habit of praying. I also felt a strong urge (read: from God) to give her a copy of my book to read on her journey.
While she was gone, I worried that she would be offended by my book, which is not at all subtle about God and how He works in our lives. I prayed daily that she would be blessed and not offended. I wondered what in the world possessed me to give it to her in the first place.
Then came the worst part: while she was away, her father suffered another stroke and died suddenly. I had not expected that, and I worried about how she would handle the news. I wished that I could have known ahead of time, that I could have prepared her, that I could have done something, anything, to help.
We were able to contact her and give her the news while she was overseas, and when she got back, she expressed gratitude for the care he received. She also personally thanked me for the book, and stated that it was helpful to her. She even wrote a line in her father's obituary thanking me for the care I helped provide in his last hours. It was heart-warming.
Fast forward to yesterday: My pastor called me at work. He was working on a eulogy for a former church member, and he had come across my name in the man's obituary. This patient had once belonged to my church, but had left the church as a child, almost 80 years ago, and his family had contacted MY PASTOR to do the service! That could only be the working of God, as I have never mentioned what church I go to or even what denomination I belong to.
This gave me a fresh perspective on how God watches over us and brings things together. I know that God was watching out for this gentleman all of his life and is still watching out for his family keeping them close. It gives me hope that when I don't see God's hand working in my life that I can still trust that He is there, working all things together for the good of those that love Him.